A little guidance please


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2016
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So, AF appeared on the 27th December and I often have a full 7 days period and believe my cycle on average to be the average 27 days possible a day either side as I have never really kept track properly before but I know when I'm due each month and it never comes earlier or later....anyway!

When it comes to ovulation I'm clueless, should I use ovulation tests or in general do all women ovulate around day 14 in which case when's best to have sex to catch it right for me if I'm pretty much 26-28 on my cycle....I know about ewcm so I can check for that, but my other half isn't always up for dtd so I wanna save it for the right time haha

Just a little nudge in the right direction would be perfect....my period app says I'm like 30% likely to conceive next fri/sat....would that ring true? I can get a screen grab of the app, I use glow if that helps? Any better aps?

Just general advice and guidance please xxx
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Glow has always been pretty accurate for me with ov (usually Matched my opks to the day!). Day 14 is the average day to ov but it's not an exact science, if you're wanting to pinpoint it exactly to pounce on your OH then opks could be an idea to try to give you a more accurate result. Some will dtd every other day during your fertile period but others will do it every day. I had success with SMEP (sperm meets egg plan - google!). Good luck! xx
Did I read that opks take a while to become accurate?
Well yeah kind of, because they measure the amount of ov hormone (LH) in your system so won't be accurate until there's enough to indicate your body is prepping to ov. So if you're using them you might like to start between cd8-10 and keep going until you get a positive.

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