A little bit concerned.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2010
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I'm not sure how worried i should be, and am hoping some of you lovely ladies may have experienced something similar. I'm hoping it is just AF being an evil demon, but then again it may not be.

Me and the 'boy' had rather a lot of bd'ing about 10 days ago during what i think may have been my fertile period (not sure, wasn't counting properly) and from 3 days ago i had some tummy cramps like i was due on but it is still too early to be AF. When i wiped after going to the loo, i noticed a bright red streatchy discharge, but then nothing at all after. The next day at work, i again went to the loo after having a really bad tummy cramp, sharp pain in my side and a wave of nausea and found i had passed a very large clot of blood, but still nothing else just a few spots whenever i wipe.

My nipples are feeling quite tingly and sensative which i don't usually have with AF and i just feel quite nauseous and tired and still have some mild cramps and discomfort. This all happened around the time of implantation would occur.

Was it my body's way of saying "not this month sweetheart" or AF playing silly buggers again? I'm not too keen on going to my GP cos he's so useless i swear he bought his degree online. lol
When would your period be due hun?
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All I can suggest is testing once you are actually late hun?

It could have been IB?

Fingers crossed!


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