9 weeks 2 days


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2005
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Well its been 9 weeks and 2 days since i lost my little one, its getting a bit easier to talk to people about it although am still having my naughty moments when i scowl at people. especially the ones who say .........
"for some one whos lost a baby your awfully chipper !!!!" i work with kids i have to be Chipper as she said.

Anyway back to my point it is 9 weeks and 2 days since i lost my baby and stil NO AF I was told it would take 4-6 weeks for my AF to come so by the 7th week i phoned the hospital who said give it another week so i have given it two. I have done a test this morning and it was negative so am not pregnant, I have no symptoms of anything at all.

Has anybody else experienced this or know of anything like this happening to anyone else. I just want to close the book on this and put it in a safe place but untill my AF comes i feel i will always be thinking about the day i lost my baby (which i will always think of but it will seem more raw till then if you get what i mean)

Thanks for reading
Pam x :(
I know EXACTLY what you mean about the book thing, i feel like that although its only just happened this time round i want my AF so I can just completly move on you know?

Im not too sure tbh, the girls on here say that the cycles change afterwards so maybe its a case of waiting it out? I know after miscarriage you are very fertile dont know why but thats what i have heard from a few sources.

I hope it comes soon for you.

Also you kind of have to ignore what ppl say, alot of ppl wont understand or aways have a smart alec comment to make there is no wrong or right way to feel

xhugs and kissesx :hug:
Thankyou steelgoddess for responding

your right i shouldnt let peoples remarks upset me and i usually dont.

Am glad someone understands what i mean about closing the book my D/H looks at me like i have grown several other heads and talking dutch and apparently NO he doesnt know what i mean.

so thankyou for your support it is really appreciated

Pam xx

P.s can i just say i have seen some of your posts in the past (when giving advise to people) and i think your really a great streangth to others,
Pam x
Thats so sweet :oops: thanks

I genually hate seeing ppl confused and upset and MC is so horrible i honestly dont think the girls on here deserve it tbh.

I wait for the day when we all having bouncing bubbys and can look back on things

im sorry i cant be much help but i think the more you think about when af will come on and worry the longer it stays away, that is true to me anyway, you need to relax.

im sure there is a perfectly good reason sometimes our cycles dont come back for ages and there is nothing wrong its just our bodies way of dealing with things, i dont know where any of this is making sense but i want to send you lots of hugs. :hug: :hug:

Also i just need to say please dont listen to other peoples comments as iv had similar things too, as you know im a nursery nurse and if you werent happy and bubbly with the children they sense something is wrong and makes them unhappy so scome rain or shine we have to put on a brave face for the littles.

PM anytime you need to talk you know that hun :hug: :hug: xxxxxxx
Thankyou both for your kind words :hug:

am sure i will be putting updates when it finally comes.

you girls on this site really are amazing women

Pam x
Sorry for your loss hun, every woman is different and I know its tough waiting for AF to arrive but as the others have said your body may need more time to get back to normal after your loss. Hope AF arrives soon for you :hug: :hug:
Got an update from my doc,
I went to see him monday night and he listened to everything i had to say then wrote a sick note, he has put down a "viral infection" when i asked him why he looked at me and said "your upset, run down, you havent given your self time to grieve, i could put that on a sick note but i wont coz i dont believe your boss will be that understanding you need time away from having to smile" i was bowled over completly he told me to go home and go to bed with a bar of galaxy and a pack of tissues I couldnt believe how understanding he was being.
He is sending me for blood test to check for anemia, and said that my period hasnt come because there is a part of the brain that controls periods and its function is getting mixed signal, because of the upheaval of misscarriage and moving house and not being emotionally well the signal is not getting past on to the appropriate parts, so just give it time
And hopefully when am not so stressed it will come.

So yey for nice understanding doctors :clap:
Oh ans i went for a job interview today and i got it
am now a Health Care Assistant at the liverpool womens hospital

thanks for all your positive thoughts and wishes girls and I send my thoughts and wishes to you all
Pam xxxxxxxxxx
OMG I LOVE your Doctor! What a great guy. Congratulations on the new job, it sounds like a great new start for you. I hope you are taking the Dr's advice :D

Hope your body and mind de-stresses and that you get your balance back really soon. Have you thought about trying Tai Chi or Yoga or something gentle like that that might help your body and mind relax? I took up Tai Chi a couple of years ago and I can really recommend it as it is very gentle and yet your body and mind feels a lot more in harmony afterwards, I have been doing a lot since my m/c at the weekend and it has been helping me take my mind off things and reconnect if you know what I mean? I'm not very good and can't remember much but just trying the bits I do helps. Just a thought.

Hope things get better and better for you :hug:
Galaxy bar and tissues, my kinda doc!!!

I agree theres nothing like a bar of choocy and a good ol sob sometimes...

And big congrats on the job, my new job has been tremendous with me getting back on my feet...

thanks again girls.
Congrats on your new job steelgoddess,
and sorry to hear about your loss rosebay (and of course yours steelgodess) , but your right i should be doing something to help balance mind and body dont think i would have the patients for tai chi so was thinking about startting belly dancing classes :D if that doesnt centre me i dont know what will lol

just finnished a big bar of galaxy D/H bought it coz he has had to go home to Irelad for the night on business so he always leaves me some choc's mmmm

hope i dont make my self :puke: with it

Pam xxxxxxx
pammie said:
thanks again girls.
Congrats on your new job steelgoddess,
and sorry to hear about your loss rosebay (and of course yours steelgodess) , but your right i should be doing something to help balance mind and body dont think i would have the patients for tai chi so was thinking about startting belly dancing classes :D if that doesnt centre me i dont know what will lol

just finnished a big bar of galaxy D/H bought it coz he has had to go home to Irelad for the night on business so he always leaves me some choc's mmmm

hope i dont make my self :puke: with it

Pam xxxxxxx

I've always wanted to do belly dancing, it looks like a real laugh! An OH who leaves chocolate's in his absence, you've got a good one there!

Take care

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