9 days old with a cold?! :( :( :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
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During the night Layla was really sniffly and this morning she's not stopped sneezing and coughing, and has a really blocked up snuffly nose. Is this just the mucus or could she have a cold? I'm so upset, it's awful to see her struggling, she's too tiny!

She's feeding fine, and still producing dirty nappies, but I'm worried she might get worse? :( x
Hey Laura, this exact thing happened to Rory really early on. He was so snuffly in bed and sounded awful. He was sneezing loads as well. He was not particularly bothered by it at all. He ate, slept etc. In honesty it was us who were worried or effected. I spoke to the mw and she said its pefectly normal. Its baby getting used to new surroundings and air etc. She said to use a tissue roll it a little and clear the nose if it was blocked but nothing else. 4 weeks on and hes still quite a noisy/snuffly sleeper but were used to it now!
Ah this sounds terrible but I'm glad someone has experience of this!! Yeah us mums seem to be the ones who are more bothered, I just can't believe she could be poorly so young, but it makes sense that it's just her body getting used to the big wide world. I was starting to panic a bit, but she seems happy enough so I'm just feeding her as much as I can to get some goodness in her, hopefully that'll help x

Thanks for the reassurance huni x
Jackson sounded quite clogged when he was born and sneezy but it eventually settled xxxxx
Awh Laura, hope your little lady gets well soon.

Funnily enough Harrison has also woke up with a snuffly nose today :(

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Aww hope lil Layla s better soon :(

Noah had terrible sneezing fits from a day old, MWs put it down the having the fans on in the ward and him being mucusy from birth.

Yeah we've had the windows open and the fan on at home so I wonder if she's caught a little chill?

She's wrapped up today tho and slept really well so hoping she's gona be better soon x
Laura my little Matthew's the same. Hv said it's just mucus and nothing to worry about. She suggested a couple of drops of olbas oil in s bowl of boiling water in the room. We tried that and it's seemed to help. After an hour of it he was sick but it was all mucus so it did help him bring it op. Hope you're good otherwise huni. I feel quite outta touch with all the girls on here, this mummy hood thing takes up a lot of time eh! Xxx
Sneezing is the baby's way of clearing mucus (as they don't cough it up like older children/adults) try saline drops if nose is crusty etc.
Cay had this too.

Put some water in the top of an oil burner with a couple of drops of baby olbas oil, pop a candle underneath and it'll keep the water warm and the oil/vapour spreading. Do you notice she's worse at any particular time? Cay was always terrible in the early hours of the morning, so I'd set it all up before I went to bed, and then light the candle at his 2am feed so it burned through his worst time.
It definitely helped.

Raise the head-end of the cot a little, either a soft pillow under the mattress or a book under the legs of the cot at whichever end her head is (also works in Moses basket/whatever, just fold a towel or something instead so it's not so big, as a pillow won't fit). This helps the mucus drain out of the head area so they can still breath properly.

Best solution by far (and I thought it was nuts when I heard it, but it definitely works), is a drop if breast milk up each nostril before bed. So, lay bubba down, and just let a single drop drip into each nostril (one at a time).
Works wonders as the antibodies in breast milk fight off all the baddie-stuff.

If she's really snuffly, shut yourselves in the bathroom and run the shower red-hot. The steam will soften the mucus and help it drain away. Just stay in there for a few minutes, though.

These things will all help until she's old enough for medicines (mostly three months plus).

Hope it clears soon xx

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