8days of "high" fertility on cbfm but no peak :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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Feeling really low today, have got 8 days of highs on my cbfm with no peaks, worrying if I maybe have problems ovulating or is it just the monitor? Trying to bd every other day but should have last night but was just too tired, now on cd16. I'm only on my second moth of TTc and already it's getting to me :(
Really sorry I've not used cbfm but did not want to read and run!

I hope the peak hits soon

Lots of baby dust to you

Hon, are you checking other signs of ov too - like CM? It could just be the monitor I guess - I knwo another girl on here who didn't get a peak one cycle, but you shoudl also be aware that it is quite normal for women not to ov every single cycle, although if you were born in 87 (just guessing from your screen name) this is more unlikely as you are young... I also use IC opks and check CM as I don't like to rely on one method of checking ov... TTC is so stressful when out bodies do things we don't understand - it could just be a late ovulation this month too... Sorry i can't give you answers, but hope something happens for you soon xxxx
Hey hun! :)

Dont worry its fine:

a) its only your 2nd month using the monitor so its just getting to know you and the Hight days will prob get less and less each cycle and

b) Some people do get a lot of high days as when the monitor detects Estrogen it give you a high day but some girls produce a little Estrogen early in there cycle what does not mean you have to much of it as you might not be producing it each day but might produced a little early in that purticular cycle (the machine will just stay on high until it get the LH surge then change to peak)

Also as Ceebee said it is natural for women to miss one OV per year. Just keep using the machine until you get your peak then give it a few more months and if you still get a lot of highs (what most women dont after aprox 3 monts of using the monitor) and you are worried then you can look into having your Estrogen checked, i was going to have mine done as kept getting a lot of highs but they are not to bad now but im still monitoring it.....but please do not let this worry you as just becasue the machine is picking up Estrogen early in your cycle it does not mean you are having Estrogen surges every day until you peak!

Hope this all makes sense as im not very well today so my head isnt working very good! LOL

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hi girls,

Thanks for th replies. This is my second month of the monitor and last month i got 2peaks on cd9&10 and a high on cd11. So this month im not sure.

If i wasnt using the monitor id say i ov'd Cd12/13 due to my cm. I bought loads of ic opks but (nearly afraid to type this) i cant seem to get any positives, worse yet i very rarely geta 2nd line at all!!

i thougot at 25 with using no hormonal contraception for 3 years that id get preg straight away!
So if im right you are on cd16 today.....i would say you are either having a longer cycle this month or as you peaked on cd 9 and 10 last month do you think there could be a possibility that you OV a few days earlier than that this month? What day did the monitor ask you to test from? x
Yep PB, cd16 today. My cycles are generally v regular 27/28 days. Monitors asked me from day 6 I think?! X
P.s the only anomilies in testing this month was one day at the start if my cycle (non poas day) I turned the monitor on outside my testing window as I slept in. Also one day I testing in the test window but fell back to sleep without checking the result or taking the stick out, when I woke
And turned the monitor on (test stick still in) the symbol was the one where its telling u to take the stick out but there was also an exclaination mark?! When I took the stick out it still said "high"....

Could either/both be having an effect on me not getting a peak??
Not to sure about lp tbh, going in the monitor last month it was 17 days I think.
No you can turn the monitor off and on when ever you want and it will not effect anything and also its fine what you did when you feel asleep leaving the stick in the ! mark was it just telling you off ;) it will still give the correct reading though (iv done that before aswell).

So your Lutheal Phase starts from the day after you OV to the day before your next period and is the same each month (give or take a day) so if you are having a 28 day cycle this month then you would OV around cd 11/12 (so around the time you said in your post above when you got cm) it could be that the monitor is still just getting to know you what is really annoying! I would carry on testing just incase what i know is another annoying factor as you will prob end up using 20 sticks instead of 10 but just incase you are having a longer cycle this month but becuase of the cm more likely you have already OV???

I wouldnt worry to much about not getting lines on the OPK sticks as a lot of girls on here have problems with them (not saying everyone).

Sorry couldnt help that much, hope some of the other girls can help more! x
No probs thanks so much for your help! baby dust for u!! thanks again!! xx
hi ladies

I am just looking for a bit of advice, I am now on my 2nd cycle of using CBFM and in my first month and hit high on CD 20 but only had 4 days of high and no peak is this normal??
and i have been reading this thread n all i kept seeing was highs for 6-12 days until peak well what my problem is that because i am a lesbian in a stable 8 year realationship is that i have to travel to my donor but if I hit highs for 10 days before I ovulate because I will only stay up there for 2/3 nights and the sperm can live inside a woman for 5-7 days only, so my question for advice on is how many days should i wait to travel when i hit high

thanks for any help in advance:)
This is a difficult one honey. I lost faith in my CBFM as it totally missed my peak and on the month I got my BFP! Luckily I was using opks as well or I would have missed my ovulation! Are you checking other fertility signs like cervical mucus and cervix height as this might be really useful for you too as I think it's not a good idea to reply on one thing to tell you when you're ov-ing. If you keep getting lots of highs, then it may be worth using other methods like these to check ovulation. Are your cycles normally fairly regular? xxx

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