7 month old - is this enough food??


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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Hi I am after a bit of advice (again)

DS is 7 months old and weighs 21 pound and is quite a study baby.

He is breastfed 4 hourly during the day and feeds no more than 10 mins each time (includes both sides). Sometimes he will feed for about 2 mins.

He is given breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Breakfast is given at least an hour after first breastfeed. Breakfast is usually cereal.

Lunch - 125g of hipp organic and a small fromage frais.

Dinner - 125g jar and a small fromage frais.

He has woken up twice in the night for the last few days and fed. I tried to leave him but he just cried.
I struggled to get him back to sleep after his 0520 feed this morn. Bedtime is 1900.

Do you think he could do with having more food in the day? Thanks xx
Logan has about 200 g food per meal (simiar to yours i think) finger food snacks (whole slice of bread yesterday!) and 4 or 5 breastfeeds a day. we also offer a bottle of water thorughout the day and with meals

The again he's always had a botomless pit for a stomach.

If he's waking in the night i'd say he's not gettting enough food at the moment, you could look at finger foods if you feel he's ready?????

I will give you what Rudy is having although he is no longer breastfed.

He will have 4 x 6oz bottles throughout the day.

Yesterday he had porridge for breakfast with a funsize banana mashed in.
A pot of plum stage 2 food which I think is 160g and a biscotti for lunch
Spaghetti cabonara for dinner and blueberries for dessert.

He slept through last night till 6.30 when I gave him a bottle and we just got up at 8.15. He used to sleep much later than 6.30 but has started waking like your LO for some reason between 5-6.30.

Ava has less than your lo's-

7 oz bottle & a weetabix or porridge for brekkie

Small bowl of carrrot/sweet potato & chicken (or soemthing similair) for lunch

Another bottle, usually 8 oz mid afternoon

Yoghurt with fresh fruit (banana, stewed apple or pear) & maybe a bit of toast or some steamed veg/cucumber if she's still hungry

Bottle before bed.

She wakes around 4am for bottle. Iv tried to give her more food during the day but she wont have it :?

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