7 days late and still no AF!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Morning ladies!

I am now getting fed up and confused. I am now 7 days late, done a few tests this week some cheapies and this mornng I did a Clearblue digital all saying negative!! :wall:

How long do I have wait - I am never late only maybe a day but not 7 days! Had some throbbing down there yesterday and today my lower back feels like someone is pulling it from the inside!!

Any advice would help - ARGHHHHHHHHHHH :evil:


Kate x
Hello lovely...some people take longer to have high enough levels of hormone. You get false negs but not false positives.....Once i did't get a positive til i was two weeks over due. Just have to wait and see. You could ask your doc for a blood test if like as they are really sensitive.
And sometimes you are sadly just late...that has happened to me also and i have a very short cycle.....You'll have to just take a deep breath and be patient. Test again in a couple of days if still no period...
Abi xxxx
I havent tried a Tesco one recently - might go and get one! I did try a Boots own and that was negative!!

I am in the same boat MrsH, am 6 days late and keep getting BFNs. Last one was this morning and I have been using the ebay sensitive ones. I think they measure from 15ml but nothing, not even a faint line :(

This might interest you http://www.peeonastick.com/hptfaq.html#18
I hope AF stays away from you this month (and every month for the next 9) It's awful not knowing one way or the other
Tescos are very sensitive indeed and pinpointed all my pregnancys!
my cycles are all over the place now, but i went 7 then 10 days late and then AF re appeared... iv heard of people on this site going 8 weeks before getting a positive... id wait it out 2 weeks then go to ur gp for a blood test

Fingers crossed... it aint over til the red lady sings

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