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6 weeks screaming as she is board?


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2010
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Hey guys I was wondering if you could give me your opinions please!

Georgie is nearly 7 weeks now and is awake a lot more during the day which is great however it seems like 70% of the time she is awake she screams! Most of the time she does not even stop when I hold her it is as if she is board? Does that sound right to you?

She has some time in her bouncing chair and some time on her gym and we go out in the car and pushchair etc but it's like she gets board really easy of it all and screams lol she is dry, fed, not ill no temp etc so it's just stumped me! I don't remember Mitchell being this way!

Anyone have any idea if this is right? X
Hmm...does she look in any pain at all - bringing her legs up etc? Could it be colic/an intolerance to the milk?

My SIL swears that my niece was a horrific baby and always cried for no reason (that's probably why I never saw her as a baby lol), so I guess there are babies out there who do just cry?

I remember once when Lizzie was about 5 weeks old she was crying and crying and when I 'inspected' her I found one of my hairs in the back of her vest. It may have just been coincidence but she stopped crying after I removed it so maybe it's just something really unnoticeable?
Thank you so much for the reply! She does not look in pain and is not raising her knees up hun. She is breastfed and I have already given up dairy due to her having screaming fits every evening - she was like a different child when I gave up dairy.

This screaming during the day has only started over the past few days and I put it down to her being board as if she is in her bouncer she will stop if you bounce her but them start as soon as you stop lol I prob sound like a right loon!

I hope it's not another food intolerance because if I give something else up I am going to be very limited in the food dept lol I have definitely not slipped up and had dairy and I have not eaten the same thing twice I don't think - well not over the past 2 days anyway - anything before that is a blurr lol xx.
I hate to say it, but it sounds just like my Devon!

He is gorgous , but he is hard work, he craves attention all the time. Other babies can lay and play, but he will do it for 5 mins max without me playing. I have tried to make sure I work on this, but nothing has worked.

We walk around alot!! He doesn't lke me to sit down with him, prefers me to stand, and will start moaning if I sit!

I recomend a baby carrier, it means carrying baby, but is a godsend we have a baby bjorn as my sister gave me hers, but Devon is near at top weight now (big lad) and so looking into older one for him, once in it, he is a peice of cake, just likes looking about while I carry him.

I think in Devons case he gets too much stimulation /activity from my older kids, that when they are at school he finds me boring.

Do you go to baby groups? Devon loves them, especially the singing at the end....
Maisie was like this at this stage it does pass ! Maisie was diagnosed with reflux but was also bored and needed stimulation i started taking her to baby groups which seemed to help a bit x
Thanks JJ Mum and Monkei!

She certainly is hard work and does not like me to sit down with her. I do have a moby wrap but it's just been too warm to wear her especially because she gets so hot when she is stressy.

It's so frustrating! Monkei sorry to her your little one has reflux. Poor little mite but great to hear there is a chance Georgie might grow out of this screaming.

The more I think about it the more it's like a scream of temper rather than a high pitched I am in pain scream x
Oh and as for baby groups the only one I have been to is bf group I that's where thye diagnosed the dairy problem.

I have not been to things like under 1's as I assumed the kids would be a little older. It's going to be hard to get out to groups at the moment as I am sure my 11 year old would not thank me for dragging him along lol

Will give it a go if it's going to help tho lol thank you x
I go to things with older kids Maisie is happy to sit and watch them and now shes a bit older she plays with the toys and wants to join in. At 6 weeks i was wishing her to be older so i know how you feel xx
Oh and as for baby groups the only one I have been to is bf group I that's where thye diagnosed the dairy problem.

I have not been to things like under 1's as I assumed the kids would be a little older. It's going to be hard to get out to groups at the moment as I am sure my 11 year old would not thank me for dragging him along lol

Will give it a go if it's going to help tho lol thank you x

We have sure start centres around here, where they have baby groups for under 1's and they are run byt the local health visitors, so you know it's all babies.
The groups are good for you to meet mums and the babies really do get something out of it too.

Tricky with holidays and older kids, but in 6 weeks time when school is back she will be a really good age, some of ours still run in hols tho and sure they won't mind your son going. Have you taken your 11 yr old to weigh in yet? My kids love taking devon and they change him , put on scales etc

Maybee the screeming is just frustration, which should get better with age and Georgie getting more able to do things
Someone else mentioned frustration to me actually I think it was Jodied. Mitchell and I took her to be weighed today actually and he really enjoyed it. I also spoke to the hv about her and she has offered to come out and talk more about it if I need her to. She could not come up with anymore ideas than she is overtired/fighting sleep, another food intolerance or teething early.

I have ordered another baby carrier today as the moby is just too hot to wear at the moment - I am hoping this means I will actually be able to get some stuff done lol carrying her round is killing my back and knees tho!

Thank you ever so much for the replies ladies I really am grateful - I felt like I was going round the bend the other night when I posted xx
My LO was the same (and still is really, he has the attention an of a flea lol!) but it does get easier as they get older :). Do you have an activity mat or anything? C used to love looking up at things dangling down when he was that sort of age, that and anything that made a noise :)
Hey Inky - I am on my phone so can't see sigs or anything how old is your LO?

We have a gym/mat that she goes on a few times a day - I just keep moving her round. She loves it for about 5 mins and then wants picking up again - little sod! Lol

Do you guys think she is too young for things like baby sensory? I have found a class close by but don't want to sign up if it will be too much for her - if you have been what's your thoughts and how old was your LO? x
i tried it at 6 weeks but M found it to much and just screamed the entire time. Im planning on taking her again now she can sit up and join in more xx

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