6 week scan.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2015
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I phoned the Drs this afternoon because they told be to ring back in the week to get an appointment with my GP to get a referral to gyne/mc clinic. I explained I was pregnant again they said you won't be able to get the referral then I was like oh.. So I said well while im on the phone I need the GP to refer me to the EPU, as I need a scan at 6 weeks so if baby is not growing/nothing there I need to stop my medication. She went and asked the Nurse Practitioner and she came back and said GPs don't do referrals to the epu I need to go through midwife. I said the midwife doesn't see anyone until 7 weeks she said well if you phone up she MAY be able to help... Phoned up and a machine answered saying any new pregnancies need a self referral and to do it online... So how am I supposed to go about this??? Like everyone's just passing me to each other.
I phoned the Drs this afternoon because they told be to ring back in the week to get an appointment with my GP to get a referral to gyne/mc clinic. I explained I was pregnant again they said you won't be able to get the referral then I was like oh.. So I said well while im on the phone I need the GP to refer me to the EPU, as I need a scan at 6 weeks so if baby is not growing/nothing there I need to stop my medication. She went and asked the Nurse Practitioner and she came back and said GPs don't do referrals to the epu I need to go through midwife. I said the midwife doesn't see anyone until 7 weeks she said well if you phone up she MAY be able to help... Phoned up and a machine answered saying any new pregnancies need a self referral and to do it online... So how am I supposed to go about this??? Like everyone's just passing me to each other.

I found it impossible to get a referral to EPU so booked in for a private scan. Would just do the referral online to see midwife and then maybe see if you could speak to the GP and fib to the receptionist what it’s about? X
I found it impossible to get a referral to EPU so booked in for a private scan. Would just do the referral online to see midwife and then maybe see if you could speak to the GP and fib to the receptionist what it’s about? X
I said to hubby we'll probably have to go private before I even rang the midwife as that's what we did with my daughter (they were ok with my son but was at a better Drs). Andddd this is how they slowly turn the NHS private by making it bloody unusable. Ridiculous really.
I said to hubby we'll probably have to go private before I even rang the midwife as that's what we did with my daughter (they were ok with my son but was at a better Drs). Andddd this is how they slowly turn the NHS private by making it bloody unusable. Ridiculous really.

I did actually end up getting a scan at 6 weeks unexpectedly but I discovered I had gestational diabetes again super early on.
I had to register this pregnancy like that it through me cos I didnr have to with my daughter and she's 3 so wasnt that long ago, they gave me a scan at 5 weeks with that pregnancy with the cramps I was having and back ache and wasn't a heart beat they asked me to go back the following week and she was measuring a head and heart beat was great xx
Sorry to hear this. I know my gp would refer me to EPU straight away, but also, I would maybe try ring them direct? I don’t know where you’re from but could you ring them yourself? Or I know it’s not ideal but present at A and E?
it’s so shit the system. I’ve always wondered how 12 weeks is acceptable for a 1st scan anyway , I believe it should be 6-8 weeks , for everyone. As a welfare scan, surely. Anyway, I’ve been doing this too long and the system hasn’t changed :(

I do hope you get some peace of mind. If you are able to call your local EPU, and with history of MC surely they would scan you? Xxxxx hugs xxx
Sorry to hear this. I know my gp would refer me to EPU straight away, but also, I would maybe try ring them direct? I don’t know where you’re from but could you ring them yourself? Or I know it’s not ideal but present at A and E?
it’s so shit the system. I’ve always wondered how 12 weeks is acceptable for a 1st scan anyway , I believe it should be 6-8 weeks , for everyone. As a welfare scan, surely. Anyway, I’ve been doing this too long and the system hasn’t changed :(

I do hope you get some peace of mind. If you are able to call your local EPU, and with history of MC surely they would scan you? Xxxxx hugs xxx
I had a look online, it says they don't accept self referrals under any circumstances. I just don't understand why my GP can't refer to me though... Makes no sense :/
I would phone the GP back and tell them you can’t get a referral through the midwife as you are not even on their system yet and won’t be for a while, the GP is still your care provider right now, they need to deal with you and get you referred, if there is anymore fobbing off ask to speak to the practice manager, or ask for the contact details for PALS as you will be making a complaint!
I phoned the EPU direct and told them I needed a early scan due to recurrent MC.
They got me in for 6 weeks x
How are you getting on Peanut ?
Have you managed to get a scan? Xx
How are you getting on Peanut ?
Have you managed to get a scan? Xx
Hey, I'm going to ring the epu and ask how to get a referral and then explain etc all they can say is no. I've found a place that does scans from 6 weeks window to the womb that I'll book of I can't get into the epu. I don't know if I'd prefer the private tho they're a lot more understanding I think and don't rush ya but at the same time it's 70 quid :/ found one further away for 55 but would cost 10a in fuel so I may aswell stay near home. I got my 3+ this morning though so that's exciting :) only got a 3+ with daughter, son, and my twin pregnancy before my daughter :) :) :)
Hey, I'm going to ring the epu and ask how to get a referral and then explain etc all they can say is no. I've found a place that does scans from 6 weeks window to the womb that I'll book of I can't get into the epu. I don't know if I'd prefer the private tho they're a lot more understanding I think and don't rush ya but at the same time it's 70 quid :/ found one further away for 55 but would cost 10a in fuel so I may aswell stay near home. I got my 3+ this morning though so that's exciting :) only got a 3+ with daughter, son, and my twin pregnancy before my daughter :) :) :)
I think I’d go to the one that’s closer too. Less stressful. I’m So glad you got your 3+ today. I dream of that day lol. Xxx
Phoned epu they just said theres nothing they can do without a referral she told me to register online, so I did and it came up saying someone will contact me over the next FEW weeks so doubt I'll even get in for an 8 week scan...
This is so very frustrating. It’s like no one understands. I am so sorry to hear this, but 3+......that’s so exciting! <3
It's do annoying how different, different trusts are..
I'd pay out for a private scan, even though I had NHS scans I've still had two private ones haha.
I'm so excited for you. When is your EDD?
It's do annoying how different, different trusts are..
I'd pay out for a private scan, even though I had NHS scans I've still had two private ones haha.
I'm so excited for you. When is your EDD?
Yeah. It's worth it piece of mine either way it goes tbh it's just the not knowing isn't it?

My EDD is 1st May but with both previous pregnancies was early so I'm guessing April if all goes well ofc :) x
It's do annoying how different, different trusts are..
I'd pay out for a private scan, even though I had NHS scans I've still had two private ones haha.
I'm so excited for you. When is your EDD?
Also I've just seen your signature.... CONGRATULATIONS on another boy :blue::blue::dust:
Also I've just seen your signature.... CONGRATULATIONS on another boy :blue::blue::dust:
Ooo April is lovely, not long after me ;)

Oh thankyou. I 'secretly' wanted another boy. We're done at two so I'm made up Phoenix will have a brother. XxX
Ooo April is lovely, not long after me ;)

Oh thankyou. I 'secretly' wanted another boy. We're done at two so I'm made up Phoenix will have a brother. XxX
I feel boys are a lot more babyish than girls. My daughter is very independent, son likes to be babyd. If I try and baby my daughter she'll get mad ahhahaha.

Tbf couls even be end of March my son was 5 weeks early but I'm hoping not!

So pleased for you :) we're also finished after this one. I wanted 4 hubby wanted 2 so 3s in the middle lol

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