4th year ttc #1. Tried some new things this cycle. Would like some advise experience.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
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Hello everyone,

Me and the hubby hit the 4th year mark off ttc this cycle. I have pcos (have had it for ten years), long story short my last four cycles have been very regular for me, 28-32 days, with af staying for 13 or 14 days each cycle. I have LPD so last month I took progesterone cream after confirming ovulation with bbt, and my LP didn't lengthen. Anyway so this cycke I decided to try a few things I'd tried before bit hadn't been consistent with. CD 1 I start eyes taking black cohosh, Macca and vitex. I stopped taking the black cohosh on CD 7 and will continue with macca and vitex until AF or bfp arrives. I have also been taking isnototal daily. Anyway, for the first time since January this year my period lasted under 13 days! I couldn't believe it, AF only stayed 6 days which is wonderful. Anyway, my temps have been a little more wacky but I think I see a pattern between this cycle and my last. I think I may ovlate tomorrow, does anyone agree?

Although i have been taking opks again and haven't had a positive (although I jave never gotten a positive with them, like ever)

Does anyone have any advice or insight?

Thank you for reading, good luck to you all xxxx


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I haven't done temp tracking so can't help but I have PCOS and have never had a positive OPK either so you're not alone!

Have the doctors offered you any help? I had clomid this cycle and I think I ovulated (though still didn't get a positive OPK)
I'm waiting on a gyno appointment (been waiting 9 months, thanks nhs) gp said he can't do anything it's not his responsibility. I'm pretty sure I od last month because of temp but just can't ever get a positive opk. And I've been taking 5 a day �� xx
Really helpful GP there! They can do things - check you ovulate for a start. Mine did as well as get DH's sperm checked. Some GPs even prescribe clomid but then this would probably be unmonitored which I wouldn't advise.

I used to bleed a lot too - was it full flow for the 13 days or spotting a lot prior? Maca really helped me although I'm not yet pregnant. I'd say you have ovulated which is definitely a good thing with PCOS!

Good luck xx
Hello thabks for the reply 😊,

I know! Silly GP! I actually went through a a few months of constant spotting/bleeding starting in January ans ending about four cycles ago (thats what I was originally refered to gyno for,and I had to fight for that, GP 'wanted to see how it goes' although that's sorted itself out now,but the AF for the cycles has been normal flow,last one was abit heavier and shorter so thibk it was my body sorting itself out. Sounds confusing)
Yeah u haven't jad any spotting this cycle so far which hasn't happaned since January this year so it must have helped. Still no positive opk this month yet, and temp hasn't risen yet hopefully it will in the morning. I'm a bit puzzled. Broke out in spits today so possibly could be today or tomorrow? ? Yes I'm asuming I'm ovulating because my cycles have been 'regular' and short. Hmmm thanks for the help xx

Really helpful GP there! They can do things - check you ovulate for a start. Mine did as well as get DH's sperm checked. Some GPs even prescribe clomid but then this would probably be unmonitored which I wouldn't advise.

I used to bleed a lot too - was it full flow for the 13 days or spotting a lot prior? Maca really helped me although I'm not yet pregnant. I'd say you have ovulated which is definitely a good thing with PCOS!

Good luck xx
You should be able to ask for a referral to the fertility clinic. Some areas need tests doing first (I had to have bloods and an ultrasound before being referred) others you only need to have been ttc for a set period of time (usually one year). If your GP is being useless try a different one, it is no good suffering in silence. Your oh needs his sperm checking too, no point there being a good egg there if there is a sperm issue.

A 13 day af must be awful! I have the opposite problem, mine are very short often less than three days.

I also have pcos and we are also in our fourth year ttc our first. I have had a bfp on my 7th clomid cycle (and clomid is by far the best thing I have taken to regulate my cycle and I've tried pretty much everything). I also managed to talk my GP into letting me try metformin as I had heard lots of success stories from pcos ladies on metformin and clomid combined. I hope this bfp will be the one, but I do have a high chance of mc so fingers crossed for now.

I also very rarely get a positive opk, I temp to confirm ov and my charts look a bit like yours. I think you will ovulate soon looking at your dip. Have you tried doing tests at different times of day? I find my LH surge is very short (a couple of hours) so it is easy to miss compared to those ladies who have a surge that lasts all day!
Thank you, yes I test at various times of day. I've had bloods and an ultrasound about 2 months ago, after pushing for months,my hormones were Completely off (but again GP said basically not his problem, will have to wait for gyno. Also DH has had his swimmers tested and been given the all clear haha, yeah my GP is rubbish, I've been to all the GPS at my surgery and they've all said I have to wait for the gynoclogist appointment 😕) I really had to push for the referal to gyno when I was bleeding constantly,I can't believe their taking si long, this is the most regular my cycles have ever been tho so u suppose that's good, hopefully I'll ovulate soon in the next few days. Yes my pcos symptoms have changed because my issue used to be that would go upto 8 months without a period then it would be very heavy, but since Jan that totally changed and was practically bleeding all the time which was very worrying snd the doctors were absolutely useless. Good luck and a happy healthy nine months to you btw! X

You should be able to ask for a referral to the fertility clinic. Some areas need tests doing first (I had to have bloods and an ultrasound before being referred) others you only need to have been ttc for a set period of time (usually one year). If your GP is being useless try a different one, it is no good suffering in silence. Your oh needs his sperm checking too, no point there being a good egg there if there is a sperm issue.

A 13 day af must be awful! I have the opposite problem, mine are very short often less than three days.

I also have pcos and we are also in our fourth year ttc our first. I have had a bfp on my 7th clomid cycle (and clomid is by far the best thing I have taken to regulate my cycle and I've tried pretty much everything). I also managed to talk my GP into letting me try metformin as I had heard lots of success stories from pcos ladies on metformin and clomid combined. I hope this bfp will be the one, but I do have a high chance of mc so fingers crossed for now.

I also very rarely get a positive opk, I temp to confirm ov and my charts look a bit like yours. I think you will ovulate soon looking at your dip. Have you tried doing tests at different times of day? I find my LH surge is very short (a couple of hours) so it is easy to miss compared to those ladies who have a surge that lasts all day!
Hello everyone. Do my temperature has really dropped this morning. Anyone think today could be the day? Xx


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That's probably the pre-ov dip. You will probably ov tomo when it starts to rise. X
Still no positive opks. They've all been stark white, except for ealier where I had a faint line 😩. Temps gone up but not much. Had some cramping yesterday and today, nothing really tho.loosing hope for this month.


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See what it's like over the next couple of days. Mine wouldn't usually go right up after ov, just a bit, and the cramping is a good sign. Xx
See what it's like over the next couple of days. Mine wouldn't usually go right up after ov, just a bit, and the cramping is a good sign. Xx

Yeah, I will, thank you for replying. Hubby jad to go away for work so I think we've missed the fertile window anyway dam! Xx

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