40week MW appointment & ANOTHER presentation scan ARGHHHHH


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Well went to the MW this morning expecting her to say, that everything was set to go and baby wouldnt be long now.
BUT she didn't, instead she offered me a stretch and sweep, but i could tell she didn't want to do it as she was saying " it will be uncomfy and it will put you about a bit" " and after all your only 1 day over due now "
I did think well its only 1 day over so i agreed to wait until next week to have a sweep and i really don't want to be uncomfy while i have Harrison off school.

Anyway she listened to babys heartbeat and it was really far up :eek: So she then felt round for baby and said " I think he is breech " exactly the same thing she had said 2 weeks ago when she sent me for a scan.

How could she tell me last week that he was 3/5 engaged ??????

So off to the hospital i went for yet another presentation scan, and guess what Baby is exactly where he should be, just sat there ready and waiting to come into the world.

I know my midwife is covering her own back, BUT how many times does she want to send me for a scan???? she has never felt baby right and to top it all off he isnt engaged still now ( but was told that will happen when labour starts) So now i'm left upset that baby isnt engaged, mad because once again i have had to sit in that bloody hospital for nothing and worried in case next week (if hes not here) she tells me he's breech again..........lol.

The best advice she gave me today was that Sex works much better than a sweep and i NEED to be doing it, and to eat pineapple (loads of it) so now im sat here munching my 2nd pineapple today.
Good luck, I hope you don't have to wait too long!

My MW is rubbish at telling where the baby is too, she kept telling me that she was engaged and I didn't believe her because I could feel all the kicks low down, so in the end I insisted on a scan and I was right, the baby was breech. But even when I went back to the hospital at 37 weeks for another scan, the consultant thought she was engaged by feel, and it wasn't until he did the scan that he saw she was still breech!
Mmm pineapple and sex :D I'm jealous :lol:

Hope bubs gets a wriggle on soon for you!
OMG how annoying!!

I can't believe they can get it soooo wrong! They should have mini scans really at MW appts because they moan that NHS time is being wasted and yet they send you off for no reason!

I know it's better to be sure than not and she has to cover herself like you said, but it doesn't take away the frustration of having to sit there for that long when you have a little boy to look after!

At least you know he's head down. Hopefully he'll be making his appearance very soon :hug: xx
Aww, i'm afraid they do this to make sure everything is where it should be. I had a growth scan at 39+5 as i was measuring 35 weeks. I could've had a sweep at 40+1 but she couldn't do it at the surgery as i was too small. I had over an 8lber!!!
The day i went into labour was the scare of my life as the MW checked my bump and asked if she was breech!!! I nearly cried! I was in a panic as it is (I don't do pain very well)
Unless they are really concerned then take no notice. I was at 3/5 until labour. My OH refused to go near me and i wasn't recommended pineapple! I'd have loved that!
There's alot of scares these days! They should think before they say stuff.

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