4 year old issues please help

Amber Reilly

New Member
Aug 23, 2021
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I have a soon to be 4 year old and I am having some troubles I was hoping somebody could assist me with some input on. It started out as a newborn.she couldn’t be around too many people at one time and she would completely freak out. Now at age 4 she grew out of most of her anxiety but now she won’t say anything in sentences. I’ve heard her use sentences but she continues to revert to saying everything in one or two words. She can communicate everything but not in sentences. Now I’m having issues getting her to stay asleep at night. She has to have background noise or she will scream all night. I’m constantly being woken up. She refuses to eat anything that isn’t dairy. She’s obsessed with dairy. She isn’t aggressive natured, hardly ever gets angry ever but loves engaging in aggressive play. Now with potty training she will go pee and wipe and wash her hands all by herself and she even USED to poop in her mini potty… but now we’ve been pushing for the big potty with a seat which she also would poop in but after one big turd… now she will stand up and poop… catch it in her hands and throw it in the potty instead of sit on the potty and actually go.also as soon as we are in public she will tell us she has to go potty after the fact. She is making progress everyday with her speech but if you sit and work with her she doesn’t want it. It’s her terms and I cry every day because I’m scared for her. I’m overwhelmed. She’s in speech and everything . I just need some advice here. I’m a young mom so maybe I’m missing something . I work with her every single day and yet I feel like a failure. Any advice I will take . I am desperate . I am so worried she won’t be ready for kindergarten next year. I can’t sleep or eat hardly anymore. It’s eating me alive.
Have you gone to get her checked for autism? I would take her to the Drs at this point personally.

Also most children never leave their clothing on lol
You are not a failure at all, you clearly know your daughter very well and care for her ❤️

It does sound like perhaps she has some sensory issues, not sure if you’re in the UK but it may be a good idea to take her to the Dr?

Also, do you have any support? Perhaps it may help if you have someone to talk through these things with as you have a lot on your plate.
I agree with the others, you're not a bad mother at all! If you were, you wouldn't be here asking for advice!

It does sound a bit like a form of autism, it's better to get her to a doctor for a diagnosis. The sooner you do, the sooner you can get help.

A far cousin of mine was autistic and his father refused to believe it and delayed diagnosis and treatment. He was a very quiet boy, wouldn't use certain colours when drawing, wouldn't eat certain colours of foods. He would sometimes completely freak out and scream if something was not like he normally would do. He could get so obsessive about something and would only want to play with things in the theme of the toy/thing he obsessed about. He was diagnosed with Asperger's and even though the father refused to believe it, he got the right treatment by changing to an adapted school and got logo lessons to improve his speech.

Hope you can get help soon hun!x
Hello thanks all for the reply. She is seeing her pediatrician the 10th. She’s saying more every day and understands everything but still very delayed

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