4 month old not feeding well, teething?


Oct 12, 2015
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Hi there, I'm looking for a bit of advice, my 4 month old has been formula fed since about 10 weeks with no problems but in the last couple of weeks he hasn't been feeding well at all, maybe taken 3 or 4 ounces at each feed and then getting really distressed when I attempt to give him more of the bottle, I think his gums are sore and he maybe teething. I've tried teething gel, calpol but every feed is becoming a battle, I'm going to get him weighed tomorrow and the HV is coming on Friday, I'm just anxious he could be losing weight or becoming dehydrated. Just wondered if anybody has had similar experiences and can offer any advice?
How many bottles per 24 hour period is he taking and are his nappies wet?
Is he winding properly? Try winding him after a couple of oz and see if he'll take more after. Hope he is better soon x
My lo was just like this! He's 5 months now and regularly taking 5-8oz per feed, but for weeks would take 2-4oz, at 3-4 months. We never got to the bottom of it, hv and doc both saw him, suggested changing bottles/formula/stretching out time between feeds to make him hungrier, but nothing worked. He had wet and dirty nappies, wasn't dehydrated and was putting weight on, albeit slowly. I saw another hv and she said to consider that some babies just aren't big eaters and their digestive systems are going through lots of changes, so as long as he was happy and healthy, not to fret about it. I followed her advice and he gradually upped if himself.
Obviously get your lo checked, but be prepared that it might just be a phase!
Cool, thanks for back to me ladies - I'm not worried that he's dehydrated at the moment, he's having wet nappies etc and we're making sure he takes at least 24 ounces in a day, it's just such a change for him, he would down 5 6-7 ounce bottles a day without any issue and he's not waking in the night (he's slept through since about 12 weeks) He winds no problem, brings it up himself most of the time. I suppose it's just something we'll need to ride out and hope he gets his appetite back but if anybody else has had similar experiences I would love to hear.
Feeding phases shouldn't last too long only I think at first it's a bit harder to put your finger on it to spot it's all from teething.. Our little boy had his last molars around his 2 birthday and only by then I've seen the pattern he had with them each and every single one that come through.., starting with slowly going off food to throwing up more food than usual to having a slight temp to looking like he's got a bit of a tummy bug going on..then slowly getting well again after a couple of days of being unwell then to slowly starting to eat again.. Until the next bout of teething.. This included; soar gums, teeth attempting to break through, teeth breaking through and coming out a bit more settling in completely.
My lo has been through a couple of phases like this. He's 6 months next week and gaining weight fine but I've been a bit worried like you! Only last week he had about 5-6 days where he wasn't interested in his feeds really and was only taking about 3oz per feed. I figure as he's still gaining well that he's taking what he needs. He is now back to normal. If he's crying when he stops feeding I'd be worried and think teething etc but if he only cries because you're trying to give him more and he's content then I wouldn't. Having said that if it continues I'd probably speak to your health visitor or GP for advice and check that his weight is still ok xx
My little girl started with this from about 2 weeks old but it got progressively worse up until she was 6 weeks and she started to drop centiles. She would have 14 Oz all day, she would have 1 or 2oz at every feed and then scream like she was in agony. She went from the 50th to the 9th. I went to the HV and the doctor weekly because I was so concerned. Eventually they changed her to lactose free milk and she has done wonderfully since x they kept telling me not to worry she was happy, gaining weight just slowly and had lots of dirty and wet nappies!

Has you lo had a stomach bug recently. I was told they can cause temporary lactose intolerance in babies.

My only advice is to presist with the HV or gp until your happy x
My LG started doing this around 5 months, I actually ended up dropping a bottle and offering bigger feeds over longer period of time. Also started offering her purée at this time as she was showing signs of being ready, ( she is on the smaller side too) only 16lbs now at 7 months old, as soon as I done this she got back into her milk again x. Good luck, x
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Another thing to try is the teats you are using! We found my little boy got very worked up when he could g drink as fast as he wanted. Ignore the ages on the teats and try the next size up or we went straight to variflow to save money xx

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