31 week M/W appt


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Hi girls, hope you and bumps and the new arrivals are all well!!

Today I had my 31 week check up with the M/W. She was very nice and asked me about the palpitations that I've been having. I told her that I hadn't had many, just a few occasions when it feels like my heart misses a beat. I also told her that I've been getting occasionally periody type pains in the bottom of my bump, and that last night I hadn't slept well because of a bad pain in the side of my bump.
She's not happy about the palpitations, so is referring me to a consultant at the local hospital and I should get an appt over the next week or so.
On telling her about the periody type pains in the bottom of my bump, she looked worried and said that that was not good news and said that women only get them when they're about to go into labour....she reckons I'm doing too much. She told me that next time I get the pains, I should go to the doctor's and get signed off on the sick.
Immediately, I am worried about my health and the health of my baby. I know I'm doing too much at work coz I'm currently doing 2 people's job, and hardly have time to have a lunch break. Came home and promptly burst into tears on Dave, who said that I should finish work a week earlier. I'm planning to finish on the 10th Oct, but as we';ve got a new girl starting week commencing 29th Sept, I need to be in work to train her.
I'm kind of at aloss as to what to do. Dave's laid in out straight that I must finish a week early, but I don't want to leave the new girl in the lurch (not bothered about work....) grrrr it's so frustrating.
Hun finish early - your body is telling you that you need to rest so you need to listen to it :hug:
Just so that you don't stress out too much, I've been having period pains for the last three to four weeks and it doesn't look like I'm anywhere near labour so I think your midwife was scaremongering a bit.

I say finish early, you can spend the time at work writing down a list of things for the new girl to do/remember. She'll figure it out! And glad you have a referral re the palpitations :D
Hello, don't stress too much hun. I had palpitations, sounding similar to yours and so had a 24hr ECG done and was classed as "abnormal - normal"! Essentially nothing to worry about and one of those things which should settle after pregnancy. I also have had periody type pains since about 31/32 weeks. My MW says its just the baby moving down and bumping the cervix. She said I might go into labour a little earlier than 40 weeks but not preterm labour. I hope this reassures you a bit? However it does sound like you are working too hard doing 2 jobs even when not pregnant is tiring enough. If you have stay on for this girl could you take a few days off now to have a rest?
Goodluck with the appointment and I hope you manage to sort something out. :hug: :hug:
I agree with the others I have had terrible period pain for ages and been told by my Community and day care MW and two consultants this is fine.

Is this your first? I was also told after one you get more pains anyway so that may also account.

Good luck with the heart referral, I have had numerous EEG and ECG's (one today actually) and heart problems do seem to lend themselve more in pregnancy but can settle soon after hope that makes you feel a little better
I also have palpitations and period type pains in my lower tum! I also have pains in the sides and top of my tum and all my MW has said is keep an eye on it and if it gets very bad or I bleed then to go see them straight away!
I guess they arent concerned much over my ectopic beats and palpitations as I had them before I was pregnant?!
Finish early, yours and your baby's health is more important than work right now, I'm sure the new girl will manage on her own! :hug:
Ive had period pains on and off in bottom of my bump all the way through, my midwife wasnt concerned at all.
But it does sound like you need to finish work early hun, get some rest :hug:
Morning girls, thanks so much for your words of reassurance! Feeling better today, but have decided that I will speak to my colleague today and see what they think about me finishing a week early.
I've got 5 days holiday left, which I'm spreading out over the last few weeks, but it seems that even if I take just one day, I've got to come back to all this backlog, so it's like a vicious circle. Yesterday was horrendous coz I took friday off, and I came back to find piles of paperwork and loads of emails in my inbox. Then I had to generate loads of orders for my other colleagues for their clinics, plus minute 2 meetings and type them up. I honestly don't know where it ends!! I wish our new lady hadn't started and then gone on hols, and they won;t pay out for a temp to help out for 2 weeks either. I've already had a word with my colleague who's very understanding, but it looks like I need to speak to her again today.
Glad I've gt referred about palpitations, will keep you updated.
Thanks once again girls! :hug:

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