3 under 3?!


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2013
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So ladies does anyone have 3 under 3?! How do you cope?! What did you have to change?

Thanks X X
I don't have 3 under 3. But had two close together and then I left a gap. I should imagine routine would really help and accepting any help from others if they offer!? Are you expecting your third? What will the gaps be? As in would the eldest be in nursery at all? X
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I don't have 3 under 3. But had two close together and then I left a gap. I should imagine routine would really help and accepting any help from others if they offer!? Are you expecting your third? What will the gaps be? As in would the eldest be in nursery at all? X

My eldest would be 28months and my youngest would be 15months .... I've literally just found out and currently very lost and worried and not sure what to do. As I can only imagine that 3 is very very different from 2 :( X x
How does your OH feel? I should imagine a bit shocked. You guys must be a very fertile couple. I fell pregnant with second whilst still exclusively breastfeeding and my periods hadn't returned so that one was a shock. I must admit after the second was born I went straight on the mini pill just in case. And had our third 5 years later. I think Kanga is TTC her third with close age gaps maybe she could be of some support?

do you have much help from family and friends? All I could suggest is to make sure the older two are in a good routine and hopefully that would help when #3 arrives. And to accept as much help as possible. Sorry not much help I know. But I remember feeling panicked having my second so close and didn't want to read and run. Xxxx
I'm TTC #3, I have a 14 month gap between my two. I have an 18 month old and an almost 5 month old, so I'm looking at a 15-20 month age gap between #2 and #3. It's scary and I'm going to be taking as much help as I can get!! I don't have any advice but you're not alone :)

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Thank you for the responses ladies! He's being as supportive as he can be but sometimes I question his enthusiasm with the girls now so I wonder how he would cope with 3! I was/am on the pill which is why I'm so shocked! X X x
A waw you were on the pill. No wonder it's such a huge shock! You'll find your feet I'm sure. It will be tough but also try and think of the benefits such as the close bond they'll all have, the fact they will be at similar stages (what I mean by this is I have a bigger gap so the youngest is passed from pillar to post with all the older twos after school activities), you'll have all the necessary baby stuff etc. there's pros and cons to all age gaps. How are your pregnancies? Just take as much help as people offer! Xxx
Hello I have 3 children and I'm pregnant with number 4 x there is a large gap between the older children and Eva; roughly 8 years. It was fairly easy going from 2 to 3 because of the age gap. The older ones go to school which helped a lot x I do wonder how I will cope with 4 of them x

Eva will be just 1 when the new baby is here. In fact there is a strong chance that I will have 2 under 1 lol. I'm due 8th July but will probably have a c section a week or two early and Eva's birthday was the 25th June! It could be really close.

Things will work themselves out. My friend had twins and then 4 months later got pregnant again x she had 3 under the age of 2 and she says routine is key x x

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