3 boys 1 girl, 5th child


Jan 2, 2008
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have'nt yet found out sex of baby #5 ,any old wives folklore on predicting baby's sex

I don't have any but I just wanted to say welcome to the forum :)
Hello and welcome!
I was told that boys give you beauty and girls they take it away!
So if your hair is lovely thick and healthy and your skin and nails are in their best condition your likely to be carrying a boy,
but if your all spotty with broken nails and greasy hair..you'll have a girl!
Wonder if its true....anyone else find this?? I bloomed nicely and got a boy! :think:
hi welcome 2 the forum

just to quash all the old wives tales:

i carried quite low
i put weight on all over
i had lovely skin and hair
the chinese gender prediction said i would hav a boy

but i had a girl!
Hi :wave:
I used to lay my friends down then use a necklace with something attached to weight it down, then it would spin in a circle - which if i remember meant a girl and a line if it was a boy. stop it after is go to see how many times it goes and sex of them when it stops then that was the end. Its worked on all my friends!!
thank u lots for your replies and welcoming it was helpful.
hiya im expecting my 3rd i have only just fopund out but i found myself to be really nervous is this normal between me and my partner we already have three this will be the 4th i jst feel shocked and a bit numb also abit worrying also i think oh dear every time i think of it my tummy goes over its nerves and excitement rolled into one :D
Hi :wave:
your brave having a fifth, but i can imagine what a happy house with all those wee feet running around!
This will be my first so hopefully you'll be able to give all us first-timers loads of advice!
hi, Lola i'm new 2 the forum and on number 5 all early deliveries but have been induced twice,1nce induced labour goes extremely fast you can also try walking around without overdoing it,and keep hydrated ice chips water.This will also help if baby is late to help with labour progression.cleaning in preparation also does the job.Good luck and congrats

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