2ww nearly at an end....


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
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Due to test officially on sunday.

Been quite chilled this 2ww as i haven't had much time to dwell as i started a new job at the end of jan.

Have noticed over the last few days that ive been really tired, has stabby boob pains and been really emotional.

I also haven't been to the toilet much (tmi) and i'm normally very regular. I have a few twinges/cramp throughout the day and when the soup lady came in today with curry soup it knocked me sick :shock: and my appetites been really off.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed :)

Good luck and :dust: to all of you who are nearing the end of your 2 ww!!

Exciting hun! And well done you for having such a chilled 2ww

Will you hold out until Sunday do you think?

I am being good this cycle - no early testing...

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Not a chance... the poas addiction won't let me hold out !!!!

I'm going to test with fmu in the morning and then every morning till af or a BFP :) !!!

I think you're doing brill, you obvs have more willpower than me carnat!!

Good luck!

I'm due to test sat and trying to resist the temptation to poas tomorrow!
I already moved testing day forward a day :eh: BUT I will be 15dpo so I'm technically not testing early...

I've had too many 'POAS moments of madness' to let it take over this time...

It was just too soul destorying.

Hope you have some good news tomorrow sweetie

Jodie - good luck to you as well

Thanks carnat! I think I ov quite late in my cycle around cd19 on a 30 day cycle so I reckon I'm only about 10dpo and I didnt get my bfp with Ella until I was 8 days late (got a bfn at 3 days late and didn't test until bfp) so really I should wait until I'm at least late! x
Nah, bfn on a tesco this morning.

I didn't get a pos on any till 14dpo last time, so i'm not stressing.

How are you feeling?

Nah, bfn on a tesco this morning.

I didn't get a pos on any till 14dpo last time, so i'm not stressing.

How are you feeling?


It's still early days hey? When will you test next?

I'm all good - tired and looking forward to an ealry nigght.

Still not got any urge to POAS stick... yet :shock:

Well girls, it's 12dpo and just got a BFN on a tesco hpt.

Not gonna get to down about it, it was 14dpo before i got a sniff of a line last time so, 2 days to go....



Yep best to wait a few day hun! I'll be checking up on you on Monday

Hey girls, I'm only 9dpo but have been testing since y'day..bfn's ofcourse. I usually just do 1 or 2 random tests waiting for af but this time I'm gona test everyday. I want it so bad and was feeling hopeful after ovulation but now I'm not :( I'm even testing with opks as well as hpts 2 really mess my head up (they're not even showing the faintest of line!). Tryin 2 b positive but think I'm out this month :(

It's sounding good for u kred. I haven't had any symptoms apart from weird crampy pulling feelings in my tummy but had the same thing 2 months ago & bfn. Really hope lots of us get bfps, u all deserve it.xx

Oh Seb hun, why would you torture yourself like that?

Evenwhen I test early I never tested until 11dpo :eh:

Well looks like I'm out.

The witch arrived in full flow this morning.

Oh well, looks like I'm onto March ttc.

Good luck to all of you still waiting to test :dust:

Hugs to you kred :hugs:

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Well looks like I'm out.

The witch arrived in full flow this morning.

Oh well, looks like I'm onto March ttc.

Good luck to all of you still waiting to test :dust:


Sorry darling!

Get yourself onto the March thread...... Fingers crossed

Damn you witch! damn you I say! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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