21 day bloods


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2012
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I'm going to get my 21 day bloods done on Thursday, can anyone explain what results I should hope for? how long results will take? anyone's experience of having this done? thank u x

When I had mine it was to check if I was ovulating - I think that's what they are generally for. I got results about 4 days later when I called the doctor. It's your progesterone they're testing - I'm not sure what good is but she said mine was 2 which means I definitely hadn't ovulated. Do you have regular cycles hon? They do them on day 21 as that is 7 days before AF is due for most ladies but if your cycle isn't 28 days then it could just be you ovulate a bit earlier or later and they've tested at the wrong time.

Good luck! Hope it goes well.

Anna x
Hi hun
I went through some 21 day blood tests too. It's to trace the level of hormone in your blood to check if you have ovulated.
I was never given numbers as a result only whether or not it was pos or neg. Once they caught a positive result I didn't need to go for any more.

Good luck hun,Xx
Thank you ladies. I have a regular cycle and due on,on the 28th so im hoping going on the 23rd will cover it. I got told that I might have pcos will they be able to confirm this with the blood tests? I'm hoping it will atleast give us some answers xx
Thank you ladies. I have a regular cycle and due on,on the 28th so im hoping going on the 23rd will cover it. I got told that I might have pcos will they be able to confirm this with the blood tests? I'm hoping it will atleast give us some answers xx
They should be able to pick up pcos from a blood test as I was tested for it x
The results need to be above 30 to show ovulation. I got my results back within the week. Good luck for Thursday xx
Thanks ladies, atleast if they do say I have pcos hopefully something will be done for it xx
I had already had a separate blood test done to show pcos. I think when they take the blood, your gp has ticked all the different things the lab should test for so if they are looking for pcos it will be more than just progesterone. I asked my gp for a print out of my results from the pcos blood test as I found it easier to sit and look at it at home afterwards so I felt I'd understood it all, if that makes sense. Mine showed elevated testosterone and an imbalance of fsh/lh which pointed to pcos, then I had to have an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis.

As you say - better to get tested and know where you stand, esp if you have been trying for a while.

Anna x

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