21 day bloods and irregular AF


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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Has anyone had to have 21 day bloods with irregular AF ?

Can you tell me if there is a way they can do this if your not getting regular AF therefore it would not be on the correct cycle day..

Thank you
I have irregular AF's and was told to have a 21 day blood test, the results of which came back negative for ovulation, but because it showed I wasnt ovulating I was then offered treatment to help me ovulate.
Hi Vicky

Thank you, can i ask did you just get them done when they told you to, in terms of any cycle day ?
I used ov sticks and temps to detect ov then went 7 days after. I got one 3 days early but consultant was able to look at it and say it was what he'd expect at 4dpo
Yeah I just did as my doctor advised me even though I knew the results wouldn't be accurate, but it meant I could move on to the next stage in my treatment.
i use opks and chart temps, but my temps are so erratic up and down, and the opks have shown nothing for a while so this isnt really a option for me. :roll:. Do you ever feel like you take 1 step fprward and 3 back lol
My Dr said to do one on day's 19,21,23,25,27 and 29 as my periods were irregular and they we're hoping to catch it.

Went in on day 19 then again on 21 but she checked my results beforehand and they came back positive for ovulation so didn't have to take anymore! Then 2 weeks later I got my bfp!

The first month I had them done on day 21 of a 40 day cycle and it came back negative they are only reliable on day 21 if you have a 28 day cycle. However, when I got my positive I was only 4 do as had Leo had a positive opk.

GL xxx
Hi Looby

Thank you.

Wow thats alot of bloodtests especially as i have to pay for mine, hoping my DR doesnt suggest that :lol:.

Congrats on BFP
I have an irregular cycle and had bloods done. I'd had an appointment at the clinic so they did them then CD30, I was then to have them done weekly until it showed I'd ov or if I hadnt after 4 weeks they would stop.
Turns out I had ov between tests as I got good news when I had bloods re-done on CD37.

Good luck. x

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