2 days till testing


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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only 2 days to go till i can do first test with first response early test not sure how im feeling now, a few days ago i was convinced it was going to be bfp now im not sure unless im just trying to protect myself from the disappointment of a bfn oh well here goes nothing :?
theres always next month and the trying is such fun :wink:

good luck all ttc xxxxxxx
Hi Rach!

I bet ya these 2 days are going to be the longest 2 days off your life.. I am really exited for u! I hope all your dreams come true.. Godd Luck with testing and let us know the outcome..

Love Danielle and Bubble xx
Good luck rach - let us know what happens!
Hi Rach,

AF is due in 4 days time, and like you I am sooo nervous, I don't think I feel any different to any other month, but if calculations (and signs) were right, reckon we bd at the right time. Felt a bit weepy yesterday, but think that's because I really want a bfp and know I will be disappointed if it doesn't happen. Good luck to you for Monday, and keep us informed.

Dippy :)

PS You and your son looked gorgeous on your photo, he's a little sweetheart!!
Hi Rach

Good luck testing. I know what you mean about the emotions.... I'm like a nervous wreck at the moment. Detected ovulation yesterday but couldn't BD that day as husband works a double shift inc the nite. We BD the day before and first thing this morning so i'm hoping we made up for it. One day i'm sure this month is gonna be the one! then the next day i'm in floods of tears thinking i'm never gonna be a mum. I don't know how I feel now!

I'm hoping the next 2 days fly by for you. Good luck - hope you get your BFP... will you let us know.
thank you so much girlies i got everything crossed and will be on here first thing monday morning to let u all know either way :?

hey dippy u know u can test with first response up to 4 days b4 af is due that means u could test now hun :)

good luck to everyone else whos ttc this month and baby dust to everyone xxxxxxx
Hey Rach,

I have decided to wait until AF is due to test - mainly because I am sooo scared that it is going to be a negative, so I would rather have a few more days of hope, does that sound crazy? I have my pregnancy test double pack from Boots and keep reading and re-reading the instructions so I don't mis-interpret the results!! Somebody please cart this mad woman off!!
awww hun i know what you mean hope you get a bfp this month and no you are not crazy i feel same but cant wait 4 days for af to show her ugly face the waiting is killing me xxxxxxxx
Good luck Rach - your testing tomorrow arn't you?

I know what you mean Dippy about not wanting to test. Some times I feel it's better not knowing than knowing it's a definate negative.

Good luck again Rach let us all know your result
thanks hun yeah im going to test 2moro cant wait any longer :?
dont know how im going to sleep tnite. will be on to let everyone know as soon as tested if its bfn will wait and see if af comes cos ive heard a lot of peeps saying first response is not that good and that asda ones are better :?
oh well we will see if its bfn i only got 4 more days to wait till af is due and if she rears her ugly head will just have to pick meself up and start trying again for next month :wink:

good luck everyone got everything crossed for me and everyone ttc
Wishing you loads of luck for tomorrow Rach, hope it's good news and that this time tomorrow you and DH will be celebrating big time. Be logging on tomorrow for your update and am keeping everything crossed.

Love Dippy : :D
sorry girlies its either too early yet or its not my month :( did test at 6 this morning and got a BFN no matter how long i stared at it lol and willed there to be 2 lines there was only 1 :roll:
oh well all i can do now is wait for af and hope she dont come

still got everything crossed for everyone ttc this month so come on girlies lets have some good news at least :)

good luck everyone xxxxxxxxxx
Sorry to hear your test wasn't a positive one Rach, like some of the other posts have said, there might not be enough of the pregnancy hormone present for you to test positive with yet - so don't lose hope yet. Chin up :D

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