1st period after baby.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
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i know its different for everyone but roughly how long
have ppl been getting there first period after birth?
because its only been 12 days for me and my lochia was really light
but today i've had period like cramps and its become heavier and
its a brighter red..more like a period!? just wondered do you go straight from lochia to a period or is there a break 1st??
thanks! :roll:
are you breast feeding fran? If you are your bleeding may be a bit sporadic for a few weeks then it will either stop until you stop breastfeeding or it will regulate its self. Your bleeding may be on and off for 6 weeks.
i breastfed for the first five days then i passed out on my midwife and got admitted into hospital for 2 days i was on an antibiotic drip as i had an infection so i had to stop breastfeeding..:(
It's quite normal for your bleeding to get lighter and then heavier again, usually means you're not resting enough. Most periods usually happen about 6 weeks after you give birth. Just try to rest for a while and if it slows down again I'd say it's still your after birth bleeding.
I bled for 5 weeks after birth, then 3 weeks later had period so it could still be post birth bleeding! :think:

If it worries u ask your MW. :)
thanks girls..its ok again now.
i think its as strangeness said i was up and about whereas i'd been lying down in hospital and then when i came home i had been made to rest so once i got up and started moving again it increased!
I think ive had mine - it was 4 weeks after she was born - im breastfeeding

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