1st Journey


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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Hello to all who reads:wave:

This is very early for me, only came off my pill 6 days ago in an effort to start our first journey to becoming a mummy and dadddy!

We have decided not to try as such but to let nature take it's course.

However I am making tiny steps to help my body prepare by taking FA and eating healthy.

This is not public knowledge so family and friends are not aware of our plan.

This forum is for me to say what I'm thinking and feeling every step of the way. Welcoming stories of other journeys and advice......

It's only a matter of time until you get line-eye... welcome :) x
:wave: welcome to the crazy world of ttc xxxx
Hey and welcome you will soon be a fruit loop just like the rest of us xxxx
Hi and welcome to PF.

TTC is bonkers you will love it!

Welcome!! It'll soon feel like home!! Online been here a short time too =D

Hey hun and welcome to the nut house!
only been here a short while myself but already feel like i could tell the others anything.

gd luck and heres hoping u get a bfp before you go 2 bad lol x x
Welcome hun, im a newbie aswel, also said that i was gonna let nature takes its course but im on cycle 2 and obsessed...lol...

Good Luck xx
Ah thanks yes I think I'm going to be exactly the same!!!

Only problem is I can't remember when my last P was, eeek! Came off Femlun pill so I just have to wait now. Nothing else I can do ???

Hi Journey, loving your name as TTC is def a journey. Welcome to the pf, looking forward to reading more theads from you. Good luck with ttc fx xx

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