17 week appointment. What to expect?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2011
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This is my first post in tri 2!! :D
I have my 17 week appointment on friday, and will be meeting "my" midwife for the first time. What should I expect? How long roughly will it last? What sort of things will happen? I haven't heard bumpys heartbeat yet, will I finally get to hear it?
I'm guessing they normally go through your blood test results too? I haven't had my bloods done yet, due to a huge needle phobia :(
Any help/information at all will be much appreciated :)
Have you had a midwife app. befor ethis? At my 16 week midwife app. she tested urine, took weight, checked blood pressure same old routine. The she took blood for downs test & i got to hear Baby B's heartbeat & that was pretty much it :) xx Best of luck !
I had my 16 weeks appointment today, she went through my blood results although the downs one hasnt come thru the post yet... grrrr,
She took my bp, tested my urine sample and i got to hear babys heartbeat for the first time.
Got my notes given to me aswell and my anomally scan requested for. xx
All i've had so far is my booking in appointment and scan, which i had at 10+6. They tried to do bloods then, but I got too worked up and distressed.
Have had a bit of sciatica and am worried that I don't seem to be putting on any weight. Is it best to talk to my midwife about it, or to make a doctors appointment about it?
No point booking docs talk to midwife about it :) I wouldnt be too worried about weight i know people whove lost 2 stone in their first trimester alone they were so sick as long as u take vitamins then baby will get them :) Im guessing this is ur first midwife app. so they'll prob try bloods again :) and then they'll ask u long and boring and millions of questions about your familys health history and ur own health hitory
My surgery doesn't check weight anymore unless there is an obvious problem. At 17 weeks I was in and out in 20 mins - was a bit of an anti-climax!!! She tested urine, went through my blood results, did blood pressure and checked heartbeat. Hearing that for the first time was lovely!!!

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