14DPO, no AF, no symptoms


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
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I'm baffled. My LP varies from 12 - 14 days. FF says I'm due AF today, nothing. I'm having creamy/eggwhite-ish cm and my cp is medium semi-soft and partially open. I've had a persistent lower back pain on my right side since 4DPO that's not nearly as bad, but still there--that's my only "symptom" no tender breasts or cramping, nothing. At 11DPO my temp went down and I was devastated, cried for hours and stopped taking my temperature for two days. This morning, because AF didn't show, I took my temperature. I'm still above the coverline? All I have is cheap HPTs and they're all negatives. I know no one can tell me if I could be pregnant or not, but some kind of input would be appreciated. I'm going a little batty.

My Ovulation Chart
Sometimes you don't get symptoms I have absolutely none and thought I was defo not pregnant. I would wait a couple of days and test again if af doesn't show if not maybe go to your gp and just have a chat tell them how you are feeling.
I'm holding out lots of hope for you xx
Thank you Darcy! I just want an answer. I'm being cheap not buying a FRER
I didn't feel pregnant at all, felt exactly like I normally do before a period. I went one day to the next with a totally negative HPT to a pretty obvious line so you never know:)
My temperature dropped to juuust above the coverline this morning. AF may be coming afterall.

Peanut, if we do get our periods after being this late.. mother nature is a proper c*nt. I know how you're feeling *hug*

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