12 weeks old, still crying all day


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
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Exactly what it says in the title.

Still having an absolute nightmare. She cries pretty much all day unless she's asleep, which is a fight, or on the breast.

We had a couple of weeks where she seemed to be getting better - she was pleasant and could be put down for a few minutes in her bouncy chair. We can't do that again now. Honestly she gets so upset I swear it's going to kill her.

She's had gaviscon for possible reflux and it did nothing. She's on colief for possible colic/lactose sensitivity and whilst it seemed to work for a while, we are back to square one again.

I'm wishing her life away. I literally can't wait until she's 1. People told me it would get easier at 6 weeks, then 8, then 12. But it's not, it's a complete nightmare. It's completely unfair on my son, almost 3 and I'm frightened I'm going to hurt her on one of the really bad days.

I rang the doctors 5 minutes after they opened because I'm thinking surely she shouldn't still be like this. But there were no appointments and a doctor rang me back. He said if nappies are ok and she's putting on weight and meeting developmental milestones then she's ok and wouldn't give me an appointment - although I can ring tomorrow for one if I'm still worried.

What the hell is going on here??! Anyone going through/been through the same? Tell me it gets easier or could there be something seriously wrong with her?? Xxx

So sorry you're struggling lovely.

I remember my mum said I was like this, turns out I was alergic to milk and the doctors weren't helping at all. She got me some formula and I was a different baby over night! Maybe try that?

I don't have much advice but if it is colic that is upsetting her, it usually disappears by about 14 weeks.

It may be worth contacting your health visitor for support? It's not just about baby's health, it's about mummy's health too

Thank you ladies. I feel awful wishing her life away but I can't help it. I'm going to wish 14 weeks on now!! ;)

The thing is, she's feeding fine and she's sleeping amazingly well at night. That's the only reason I've not lost the plot entirely.

I need to ring the health visitor because they've asked to come on Thursday for 3-4 month check up but they just say the same thing every time, they go through a list of everything I should try (sling, raising head of cot etc) that I already do. Then they exhaust their list and have no more suggestions and leave me with my crying baby!!! Urrrgghhhh.

I do wonder whether I have a touch of post natal depression but I think realistically I just need a break from it. Xxx

Definitely look after your own mental health and don't rule out pnd but its really hard going youve every right to feel stressed. My youngest sister (14 years younger) was like this, there didnt seem to be any rhyme nor reason to it, my mum was back and forth practically begging soneone to look at her and sort it then she just kinda grew out of it :/ they basically told her that colic has that effect on some babies and it would pass that was it, we tried everything. Im still affected by it, 12 years on! It was constant, i used to go into school nearly an hour early to get away and my mum was just at her wits end she really was. I really hope you get some relief! Its not fair :(
Stay strong. I know how you feel and it's all completely understandable with what you are going through. No one understands unless they have been there. Although family and friends will give you their helpful advice. My son was like this. Every day was so tough. I remember singing him songs in a lovely sing-songy tune but the words I made up were full of hatred (he'd never know I thought!!). I was definitely on the brink of insanity. I remember the shower was my favourite place as I couldn't hear anything!! Nothing we tried worked either I'm afraid. I think he was in pain in his tummy all the time and we went through a constant cycle of sleep, cry, feed, cry, feed, sleep, feed, cry. Never a happy content time. He slept better at night and I think that was because he was feeding less at night (thus less wind) and any feeds he had he took calmer/sleepier and thus again, took less wind. Things changed when we started weaning onto solids and he then got more happier as the months went by. With hindsight, I wish I'd handed him to someone else more as breastfeeding with an unhappy baby takes it toll. If you can, make use of people around you. Place her somewhere safe and move away when you find yourself completely stressed out. Step outside for some fresh air. Keep talking to people around you. You will get through it. It will be different.
My mum used to put my sister in pram and put her in the garden and just keep an eye on her through window. Im sure our neighbours thought very highly of us leaving a screaming baby alone in garden lol! You have to do what you need too to get through. Rant here anytime, get it off your chest :)

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