10-11 weeks, did you still get cramps/pains?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2013
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Hi girls,
Is this normal? I'm still getting one sided pains and cramps, they don't last long but feel quite sore at times.

I'm new, this is the reason I ended up here, on a search about cramps! I found out on Tuesday I'm pregnant with my 3rd, not entirely sure how far gone I am but going by LMP I think I'm about 6-7 weeks. I've been getting period like pains on and off for a while. I actually thought it was my period starting, but obviously not! Was quite uncomfortable yesterday and I felt really really tired but its not so bad today. Have googled loads and it seems quite common but wondering when it's a cause for concern? Mines not a sharp pain, it's dull ache I suppose, really similar to period cramps.

Sorry I've not been much help, but at least you know you're not alone!

I'm sure as long as the uterus is growing you'l always have a aches and growing pains

I still get twinches
Totally normal, I still get them and I'm 22 weeks! Unfortunately they don't go! It's just baby growing and stretching :)xx
When you had your scan did they check your ovaries? Ive got one sided aches too on my left side. I queried at scan if they could see what was causing it. They showed me that the egg that fertilised came from my left side and it leaves a cyst which can cause pains. Said it was most probably that.
That's interesting Toria!

I am getting the odd twinge too Sophie - hope and think its normal! Think my womb might be trying to pop over the pubic bone, so maybe that's it!

Roll on our scans!! 1 week to wait for me!

Sonographer at 7 weeks showed me my ovary I ov'd from and told me about the cyst! that explained my left dull ache untill she said no it was my right haha
Hey Soph, I've been getting sporadic but pretty hard pains sometimes feels like gut pain sometimes period pain and sometimes just generally sore. Seems worst in the evening for me. X.
I still get the odd pain, mine is further down though in my uterus, a friend of mine who is 24 weeks says she still gets the odd twinge, so think its all good just a sign of things growing and moving to accommodate bubba :)

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