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  1. C

    Update and pic of Ellie

    awwww hun she is sooo sweet! what a little fighter!!! thank you for taking the time to update us :hug: thinking of you all
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    Update of Sara and Ellie

    even though im not around much i've still been thinking of both sara and ellie loads :hug:
  3. C

    FAO all you tri 3 girlies !!

    hey all :wave: i've not been around for ages :( i've moved into my new flat, internet isnt sorted due to maternity allowence not being sorted and housing benefit messing me around i've got about £5 a week to live on :? on iron tablets ... least i wasnt being a right lightweight being tired...
  4. C

    girls on iron tablets plz read

    mid wife warned me that it was a side effect :?
  5. C

    BabyLove Had Her Baby!! UPDATED with pic

    congratulations! she's gorgeous!
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    PURE RANT - im sorry

    jeeez i hope they realise soon that a three year old being more mature then a bunch of adults isnt right. not much advice for you hun but lots of :hug: :hug:
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    March Babies!!!

    very eeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkk lol but really cool! means we're getting closer to meeting the our LO's :cheer:
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    dtaylor21184's little man is on his way * UPDATED*

    awww congratulations! what a sweetie!! wishing her a speedy recovery :D
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    Wheres my baby gone??

    blimey hun!! how many times have i thought 'that sounds like me writing that' i swear our little ones must be in on some big thing to scare us both. mines not moving as much, and i've had weird pains in my stomach and my ribs feel like they are being pulled apart !!! sending you lots of :hug...
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    Funny things your children have said to you 8-)

    thought i'd share a few of my cousins comments.... when he stayed in a hotel on holiday over here there was a little boy about his age standing on the bench outside the hotel bar, my cousin turned to me and very loudly said 'thats a naughy little boy,' i looked at him 'well seats are for...
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    Finley :dance:
  12. C

    Hmmmmm..... Down to 3....

    i really like Megan :dance:
  13. C

    breastfeeding and expressing.............

    god im so pleased to see some of your replies. i was going to post something similar after my anti natal class yesterday, where i was made to feel like an absolute idiot and a failure for even considering expressing (along breast feeding)
  14. C

    Any reassurance?...

    awww hun honestly dont worry! i started my temp job at 21 weeks, and no one could tell i was pregnant, i left after christmas at 27 weeks, and still hardly anyone could tell, went back last week to do some shopping and all of a sudden everyone was saying 'OMG you can really tell you're pregnant...
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    Im just a nusance :o(

    aww bless ya :hug: you're not a nusance at all! i think youre being perfectly reasonable! im surprised his family expected you to sleep on an air bed tbh
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    argh i feel your pain hun :hug: goodness only knows how you manage with other little people to look after it makes me scared how im going to cope when my LO arrives and im even more tired
  17. C

    We are home!!! Photos of Baby Devon!!

    awwwwww he is such a cutie!! congratulations hun :cheer:
  18. C

    got a text from *Sara* 20 times updated really good update

    awwwwwww how sweet to see a pic of the lil lady!!! fingers crossed all is going ok today and Anna, thank you SO much for keeping us all updated :hug:
  19. C

    got a text from *Sara* 20 times updated really good update

    OMG thank goodness for a bit of good news!! keep fighting little one :pray:
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    Matthew Arthur John Gerring

    awwwwwwwwww he is gorgeous!!! really glad to hear about how well the water birth went, its something im thinking about!